Stop trading your time for money, and create a leveraged online course to scale up your business Find out how in this free 5 day email series.
I'm an online marketing coach and launch strategist who loves helping female grow successful online businesses!
Welcome to episode 8 of The Lou Blakely Show.
In this episode, I share with you the three keys to creating long term success with an online course based business model.
After being involved in many launches behind the scenes and also of my own, I have noticed the major factors that result in long term launching success, and what isn't as important as most ‘strategists' will have you believe.
It's possible for anyone to achieve success with this business model, but unfortunately too many people give up because they're missing one of these three things!
If you've ever felt like you've followed the perfect strategy, you've done all the things that an expert told you to do, yet you didn't achieve success with your launch, then this episode is a must listen.
In this episode, I cover:
These three keys are the pinnacle of my work as a launch coach, so they're that important. Listen in today to elevate your next launch to the next level.
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Thanks for listening, and keep an eye out for future episodes if you're serious about creating a freedom-fuelled business with online courses and other digital products.