Stop trading your time for money, and create a leveraged online course to scale up your business Find out how in this free 5 day email series.
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I'm an online marketing coach and launch strategist who loves helping female grow successful online businesses!
Hi, I'm Lou!
Welcome to Episode 33 of The Lou Blakely Show
I talk to so many people who want to create an online course, or finally launch their course, launch a podcast, start a business….yet so many people don't do what they say they're going to do.
Yes there's a place for setting the foundations, doing the planning, creating the strategy…but the biggest thing that is going to get you to where you want to go is to DO THE THING!
It's so easy to spend time analysing, perfecting and worrying if things don't go to plan. But it's time to ditch that, and it's the perfect time with a new year just around the corner.
Listen to this short but powerful and motivating podcast where I share with you some real world examples of when the thing just got done, which is the only way to get to where you want to go.
Grab your fave mocktail and join me as I dive into the world of online courses, launching and creating a freedom-based business for go-getting women in business.
Top rated podcast
(with your host Lou Blakely)
Welcome friend! I'm your new launching & marketing bestie. Pull up a seat and stay for awhile.