On the 40th episode of The Lou Blakely Show I chat to the CEO of Interact, Josh Haynam. Interact is an online quiz platform that integrates the use of AI to quickly create quizzes that attract leads into your online business and convert them into paying customers. Interact is the tool that I used to […]

How To Use A Quiz To Attract Leads Who Turn Into Paying Customers with Josh Haynam

Digital Marketing, Podcast

Have you experienced a failed launch and it’s tripped you up? You’re definitely not alone – it’s happened to everyone in the online space at some point. But it’s all about how you respond to it. In this episode, you will learn: What our ego has to do with our launches The mindset shifts you […]

How To Move On Powerfully After A Failed Launch

Mindset & Energetics, Online Courses & Digital Products, Podcast

Episode 38 of The Lou Blakely Show Have you heard of the lazy launch? It’s my absolute favourite way to launch, but it’s not for everyone. In this episode, I break it down:  You will learn what the lazy launch method is and how it differs from other ways to launch I share with you […]

The Lazy Launch: Is This Launch Method For You?

Online Courses & Digital Products, Podcast

Episode 37 of The Lou Blakely Show Social media is an amazing tool but it doesn’t come without its downsides. More and more people are becoming frustrated with it and are considering stepping away from it. So the question is…do you absolutely need social media to launch an online course, or could you do without […]

Is It Possible To Launch An Online Course Without Social Media?

Online Courses & Digital Products, Podcast

Episode 36 of The Lou Blakely Show In today’s interview Christine Sheehy, a non-fiction book coach, explains how writing a book can help build authority,  increase your reach, and open new doors as a course creator. During the episode, we discuss: – The advantages of writing a book for course creators – Why it’s important […]

Christine Sheehy: Writing A Book To Build Authority As A Course Creator With Book Coach Christine Sheehy

Entrepreneurship, Guest Interviews, Podcast

Are you thinking about creating an online course, you know the topic you want to teach…but that’s as far as you’ve gotten? If this is you, you’re definitely not alone. It’s time to get clear on the process you need to follow, so you can stop thinking about it and start taking action. In this […]

How To Launch Your First Course Sooner Rather Than Later

Online Courses & Digital Products, Podcast

Welcome to Episode 34 of The Lou Blakely Show It’s really important to be paying attention to what’s happening out there in the world, and then think about how it could impact your business. As a course creator, this landscape is forever changing. And 2023 will be no different. There’s definitely a lot of shifts […]

My Predictions For Courses & Other Digital Products For 2023

Online Courses & Digital Products, Podcast

Welcome to Episode 33 of The Lou Blakely Show I talk to so many people who want to create an online course, or finally launch their course, launch a podcast, start a business….yet so many people don’t do what they say they’re going to do. Yes there’s a place for setting the foundations, doing the […]

The power of just doing the thing

Mindset & Energetics, Podcast

Welcome to Episode 32 of The Lou Blakely Show We’re well and truly into holiday season. While that can mean a really well deserved rest and some much needed relaxation (amen!), it can also create a situation where there’s a really slow start to our 2023 income. January and February are typically the lowest months […]

3 ways to keep momentum going over the holidays (while still taking a break)

Entrepreneurship, Podcast

Welcome to episode 31 of The Lou Blakely Show. In this episode, I interview my client Leeann Bassett about her journey from no online course to now having four successful launches under her belt. Leeann is a social media coach & consultant, owner of Face Up Now, who found she was super busy and exhausted […]

Leeann Bassett Interview: Going From No Online Course to Four Successful Launches

Guest Interviews, Online Courses & Digital Products, Podcast

I’m Lou Blakely, and I’m here to help you transform from stressed-out freelancer to a freedom-based business built on your terms, where you get to experience more free time, an income that is not capped by the hours you have in the day (or the energy you can muster), and a life where you get to impact thousands of people.

Hi, I’m Lou!


Want to know how? Sign up for the Time For Money Exit Plan, a free 5 day email series where you’ll learn the exact steps to wave goodbye to client overload and hello to freedom, impact and profit. 


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Welcome friend! I'm your new launching & marketing bestie. Pull up a seat and stay for awhile.

Lou xx