Welcome to episode 10 of The Lou Blakely Show. Digital products are great and all, but choosing the wrong one could lead to a lot of wasted time, effort and heartache. Because not all types of digital products are created equal, and there are certain circumstances which may make certain types better than others for […]

What Type of Digital Product Is Best For You?

Online Courses & Digital Products, Podcast

What type of digital product is right for you - The Lou Blakely Show

Welcome to episode 9 of The Lou Blakely Show. When it comes to growing a sustainable and scalable business with online courses (and other digital products), one of the most important things you need is an audience. Without an audience, you’re just not going to get enough peoples eyes on your offer, which is going […]

5 Ways To Grow Your Audience In Between Launches

Online Courses & Digital Products, Podcast

5 ways to grow your audience between launches

Welcome to episode 7 of The Lou Blakely Show. If you’re a successful service provider, it’s very common to get to the point where you’ve decided that you’d quite like to create another revenue stream with an online course. Or maybe you’re actually done with your client-based model altogether and you really want your time […]

How To Successfully Transition From Service Provider To Online Course Creator

Entrepreneurship, Online Courses & Digital Products, Podcast

How to transition from service provider to online course creator

Welcome to episode 6 of The Lou Blakely Show. Have you, like many people, decided that you want to create an online course in your business, but you haven’t done it yet? The most common reason for this is time, but is this really true? Because there’s always time if we have the right intentions […]

What’s REALLY Holding You Back From Creating & Launching Your Online Course This Year

Mindset & Energetics, Online Courses & Digital Products, Podcast

Whats really holding you back from creating and launching your online course this year

Welcome to episode 5 of The Lou Blakely Show. I’ve seen this one a lot – someone creates an online course, then pops it on their website, waiting for the sales to roll in. But then nothing happens….no sales, and all that hard work is for nothing. So in this episode, I’m talking about should […]

Should you put your online course on your website?

Online Courses & Digital Products, Podcast

Should you put your online course on your website

Welcome to episode 4 of The Lou Blakely Show. Have you ever created a digital product offer that’s selling successfully but something has felt off? I have. In this episode, I dig into how I felt out of alignment with my first ever digital product, despite the fact it was a success. I share my […]

How I knew it was time to retire my first online course

Online Courses & Digital Products, Podcast

How I knew it was time to retire my first online course

Welcome to episode 3 of The Lou Blakely Show. In this episode, I’m talking all about online courses that don’t sell. Because I see this happen far too often, and I want to share with you some really common reasons that your online course might not have sold the way you expected. You will learn: […]

Why Some Online Courses Don’t Sell

Online Courses & Digital Products, Podcast

Why some online courses dont sell

Welcome to episode 2 of The Lou Blakely Show. In this episode, I’m sharing with you 5 signs that you will be successful with a business model that is based predominantly on revenue from online course sales. You will learn: The 5 signs that you’re a perfect match for an online course based business Some […]

5 Signs An Online Course Business Is For You

Online Courses & Digital Products, Podcast

5 signs an online business is for you

Welcome to the very first episode of The Lou Blakely Show. In this introductory episode, I wanted to start off by giving you some insight into my background and why I’ve created a podcast all about creating online courses and other digital products. Listen in, to hear: Who I am and what brought me here […]

Welcome to the Lou Blakely Show (now the Online Course Creator Show)


Welcome to the Lou Blakely Show

Thinking of launching a digital product, like an online course, a membership or a group program? Amazing!  Jump right in.  But first, there are a few key things you need to know to make it a successful launch.  1. Create an irresistible offer around your digital product Your digital product and your offer aren’t the […]

5 Essential Ingredients For A Successful Digital Product Launch

Online Courses & Digital Products

I’m Lou Blakely, and I’m here to help you transform from stressed-out freelancer to a freedom-based business built on your terms, where you get to experience more free time, an income that is not capped by the hours you have in the day (or the energy you can muster), and a life where you get to impact thousands of people.

Hi, I’m Lou!


Want to know how? Sign up for the Time For Money Exit Plan, a free 5 day email series where you’ll learn the exact steps to wave goodbye to client overload and hello to freedom, impact and profit. 


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Welcome friend! I'm your new launching & marketing bestie. Pull up a seat and stay for awhile.

Lou xx